Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well If I haven't posted in what feels like a million years, it's because something in my being just kind of switched off. I guess what I mean is I lost my mojo! That suck's really. I hope that I can get it back soon, real soon. I'm sure that there are many of you too, that have lost your way while searching for that next big thing or while on some quest to conquer. Well, what ever, I'm back. At least for now any way. Here is a picture that I shot yesterday. This girl for some reason, always gets my mojo going. Thanks Sylvia. You are always such an amazing and willing subject. Oh lets not forget beautiful too. -A

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Barcelona With my lovely wife, Ewa, November 2008

This year I had the opportunity to travel to Spain with the wife (Ewa), more precisely, to Barcelona. We had quite the time she and I, getting lost in the most amazing Gothic quarters. I have never felt, the vibe or tingling down my spine in any other place I've been to, like I did while lost (not really), in the midst of all of the amazing vestiges of the roman influence left behind. During what period you ask? Well, don't ask actually, cause I don't have that answer. Just suffice it to say, that rumor has it. So take it at face value will you.!? Thanks! I will post some images with my buddy, and best friend Ewa, when I get a chance. Well, what the heck, I guess I'll post one now. More to come! Cheers!

This is a new beginning!

I can't believe I have just created my very first blog!
Yay! This should be a cool way to keep in touch with not only my pals in the photo world, but also, with my self! Cool times my friend, cool times!